Professors UdL coordinate the preparation of teaching materials

About 3,000 students from kindergarten and primary schools 36 Pallars Jussà culd, Alta Ribagorça and Val d’Aran can participate in the project PirosLife Education on grizzly bears in the Pyrenees. The working group, coordinated by professors from the University of Lleida (UDL) and Sofia Isus Manel Ibáñez, met the doors of the celebration on World Environmental Education to present educational materials related to this plantigrade, which are available at educational resource centers.

The proposal focuses on treasures of the brown bear, which includes stories, songs and all kinds of activities around the bear habitat, wildlife behaviour and its relationship with society, which include classroom work and outputs the woods, such as Stop the ear or nose What finer. It will be presented to the House of the Bear, Isil, on February 13, coinciding with the first day of training on the brown bear for teachers in the province Pallars. The materials developed by members of the research group Competecs UdL and professional educational resource centers and other institutions in the regions involved, aimed at students from 3 to 7 years and 8 to 11 years.

PirosLife Education project, funded with € 110,000, also plans to organize the first edition of the action puts name to bear, in which students participate schools Pallars Jussà and culd. This proposal is then initiated by the House of brown bears in the Pyrenees to go “baptizing” new puppies. On this occasion there will be four copies of plantigrade who receive a name chosen from student’s pallaresos.

The educational part of the project PirosLife main aim is to encourage children to develop critical thinking and sensitivity to nature and educators are parents. The proposal is divided into four main areas: the brown bear, habitat Pyrenean shared space, and cultural heritage, aimed at promoting respect for the environment, ecology and conservation of natural heritage.

PirosLife The project, which began in 2014 and ending in 2018, is coordinated by the Generalitat of Catalonia and has as partners the Aran General Council, with responsibility for protected fauna and experienced management of the brown bear since 2000; Catalan Forest, which provides financial management; University of Lleida, which deals with the educational and Fundación Oso Pardo, with a long history themed bear and the Cantabrian commissioned to do the monitoring.